My inspiration

After meeting Pastor Park in Kenya, I was inspired and motivated to fundraise for his cause as I returned back to my school, NYU.

I planned a fundraiser, where I would take professional headshots for people outside of NYU Stern and then tell them about the cause and allow them to donate if they felt moved to.

Ryan taking headshots to fundraise to help Pastor Park provide clean water to the Maasai community.

My Challenge

As I hustled and got rejected by many people, I realized this was a practice of being able to make a true personal connection to move the strangers I met to donate.

I used my fundraising video to tell the story of the cause. And as I spoke with the person in front of me I faced the challenge to emotionally connect to them to be able to move their hearts to care about helping people on the other side of the world in Kenya.

Fundraising video created by Ryan

What I learned

Tackling this cause was a great way for me to learn how to tell a story that will move people's hearts. This only reaffirmed my love for storytelling as I experienced the power of photography and videography being able to emotionally connect people. But I also learned that photography and videography by itself is not enough to allow people to feel the true emotions and love behind a story. The storyteller must share a truly open heart and mind. Otherwise my work can easily become another forgettable piece of media in the endless void of content online.